AGRANA expects consolidated EBIT for 2020|21 of at least prior-year level Ad-Hoc
Date: 16.09.2020The provisional EBIT of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG in the first half year of 2020|21 (1 March to 31 August 2020) amounts to € 55.8 million and is therefore moderately above the figure for H1 2019|20 (€ 51.7 million). Provisional consolidated revenues in the first six months amount to € 1,309.3 million (H1 2019|20: € 1,250.0 million).
The forecast for the full 2020|21 financial year of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG has until now been subject to the unquantifiable economic and financial impacts as well as the further development of the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the availability of the provisional half-year figures for 2020|21 and due to a revised internal forecast which takes the possible impacts of the coronal virus crisis into account as accurately as possible, AGRANA now anticipates consolidated EBIT in the 2020|21 financial year which is at least on a par with the prior year (2019|20: € 87.1 million). Consolidated annual revenues are expected to rise slightly to moderately (2019|20: € 2,480.7 million).
On the grounds of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the associated high degree of volatility in all segments, forecasts remain characterised by a very high level of uncertainty and do not take into account any financial impacts of possibly closing the sugar refinery in Leopoldsdorf|Austria following the end of the 2020 production campaign.
Further details relating to the development of business in the first half of 2020|21 and the various segments will be published by the Group as scheduled on 8 October 2020.